Virtual CFO
Eagle 1 Accountants

One of the main reasons businesses fail is because they don’t have a solid grip on their finances.

If you want to put your finances in the right hands – without the price tag of hiring an internal team member – our virtual CFOs are here to help. 

We can assist you with all sorts of financial and accounting services, including budget forecasting, taxes, financial reporting, cash management, project cost analysis and more.

You might be concerned that working with a virtual CFO will sacrifice the quality of your service. But our commitment to our clients is unparalleled. 

We will take the time to gain a deep understanding of your business. Then, we will work with you closely to improve your viability, increase your profits and cash flow, ensure compliance and help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

The Benefits of a Virtual CFO

Hiring a virtual CFO offers all sorts of advantages for businesses that want to fool-proof their finances. Our virtual CFO services are:

Cost Effective

Access ongoing financial assistance from our experienced accountants, without the cost of hiring a full-time executive. 

Flexible, Scalable & On Demand

Establishing a new business? Navigating a growth period? Facing economic challenges? Our flexible, scalable and personalised accounting services can adapt to your needs.

Enhanced Financial Reporting & Analysis

We will provide you with in-depth analysis and reporting, so that you can gain a better understanding of your cash flow, expenses, obligations and revenue streams.

Strategic Financial Planning

We will help you to plan, forecast and manage your numbers and growth, so that you can achieve your goals. 

Improve Sales, Profits & Cash Flow

We will analyse your financial data and market trends to identify opportunities that will help you to optimise your sales, profits and cash flow. 

How Eagle 1 Can Help

We’re here to make your accounting and tax as simple as possible. 

We can help you with most (if not all) of your financial functions, and help you to gain a clearer understanding of your finances. We can also provide you with specific reports that present financial information visually, with graphs to keep things simple.

We know that the financial side of running a business can be overwhelming. But we’ll be by your side at every step of the way, with the tools, support and expertise you need. 

You can engage with us weekly, monthly or quarterly. Either way, we will integrate closely with your business and help you to solve your problems and navigate challenges.

If you want to safeguard your financial future but aren’t ready to hire a full-time internal CFO, our dedicated and experienced virtual CFOs are your best bet. 

Business Mentoring

Eagle 1 Accountants

Do you ever wish that you had a mentor to offload your concerns onto? Someone to help you navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and meet your business goals? 

Running a business can feel lonely and overwhelming. You are often expected to make decisions and have all the right answers, which can be a lot of pressure.

That’s where our experienced business mentors come in. Whichever stage your business is at, we can provide you with a safe, confidential and judgement-free environment where you can offload your concerns, gain clarity and solidify your goals. 

The Benefits of Having a Business Mentor

Working with a business mentor has all sorts of benefits, including:

Ongoing Business Support & Guidance

We can provide you with flexible, ongoing support that helps you to navigate challenges, make the most of new opportunities, increase your profits and grow your business.

Reduce Your Stress

Running a business is stressful. Lean on us for support and reassurance, when you need it most.

Goal Setting

We will help you to define clear, achievable goals and create a reliable roadmap for your path forward.

An Unbiased, Third-Party Perspective

We can be an unbiased voice of reason, provide out-of-the-box solutions, reveal your blind spots and open the door to new possibilities.

Financial Expertise

We can give you guidance and insights into your financial management, forecasting, compliance and profitability, so that you can future-proof your business.

Improve Your Decision Making

Through critical analysis and strategy, we can help you to make well-informed decisions that align with your goals.

Resources & Connections

We have access to an extensive network of contacts from various industries. We can connect you with the right people, at the right time.

How Eagle 1 Can Help

As business owners ourselves, we understand the ins and outs of the financial, operational and strategic aspects of running a business. We would love to share this knowledge with you and help your business achieve long-term profitability and success. 

We can offer you tools, guidance and advice. We offer generalised business support, as well as cash flow forecasting, business projections, business appraisals, pricing analysis and more.

Whether you choose to engage us when business conflicts arise, when decisions need to be made, or generally to improve your business operations, our first step will always be to gain a thorough understanding of you, your business and your industry. Then, we will provide you with personalised, actionable solutions that align with your unique circumstances and support your overall business strategy.

Owning a business comes with a lot of highs and lows. With our support, you can navigate these challenges and opportunities as smoothly as possible.

Accounting & Tax
Business Structuring

Starting, owning, and operating a business brings many challenges, opportunities and surprises. With the right business structure, however, you can be assured that you’re ready for whatever business and life throws at you.

While choosing to be a sole trader, partnership, company or trust may seem simple, each structure carries different tax consequences, reporting obligations, personal liabilities and more. So, it’s important to have the right structure now and for the future.

Whether you’re a new business or an established business looking to restructure, at Eagle 1 Accountants, we provide business structuring services to optimise your circumstances and establish your foundation for success.

Business Structuring Benefits

Determining what entity structure or entity combination is right for you is a process of balancing and maximising four key benefits:

Tax minimisation

There are different tax implications for each business structure. Choosing the right structure ensures you best minimise your tax obligation.

Asset protection

Each entity type can put different risks on your personal wealth. Gain peace of mind by having the right structure in place to protect your personal assets from your business risks.

Succession planning

When it comes time that you want to pass on or sell your business, having the right structure will be critical for minimising your capital gains tax (CGT), Stamp duty and GST.

Limited liability

Operating under a corporate veil gives you limited liability, allowing you to abandon any company debts if your business becomes insolvent.

How Eagle 1 Can Help

As your business grows, your business structure needs to evolve with it. At Eagle 1, we take the time to get to know you and your business, ensuring you always have the best business structure to achieve your goals.

Our team has a wealth of experience, helping you optimise your tax position, protect your personal assets and mitigate much of the risks associated with starting and running a business.

Accounting & Tax
Key Performance Indicator Reporting

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are some of the most valuable pieces of information you’ll find in a company. Put simply, KPIs are a measurable metric that tell a story of how your business is performing against its key objectives.

These are figures like gross profit percentage, wage percentage to turnover and inventory turnover. Just off these basic numbers, we can tell a lot about how your business is operating and what needs to be adjusted. So, let’s get them integrated into your business!

At Eagle 1, we will work alongside you to help you establish and understand the KPIs you need to guide your business in the right direction. With the use of these KPIs, you will better understand the performance and health of your business, helping you achieve your goals, improve your cashflow and grow your profitability.

KPI Reporting Benefits

KPI Reporting is not just helpful for understanding the health and performance of your business. KPIs can also help you achieve a range of other business goals, including:

Boosting employee engagement

KPIs can be used to set clear and measurable targets for which employees to aim at. This gives them real-time feedback, encouraging them to work hard to achieve their individual and organisational goals.

Refining your business strategy

KPIs give factual and specific insight to what’s working in your business and which parts need to be re-evaluated. With this, you’ll be able to find the inefficiencies in your business, start fixing them and improve your business’s performance.

How Eagle 1 Can Help

It’s one thing to have KPIs integrated into your business. It’s another to know which ones to use and how to turn them into actionable insights for growth and improvement.

That’s where Eagle 1 comes in. We have an experienced team of accountants who will take the time to develop effective KPIs for your unique business and ensure you understand how to interpret them for company growth.

Accounting & Tax
Tax Forecasting & Planning

Taxes often create fear, confusion and unwelcome surprises without the right support and communication from your accountant. At Eagle 1, we are dedicated to helping you get ahead of your taxes and minimise your tax obligations with proactive tax forecasting and planning.

At Eagle 1 we work with you throughout the year— taking the time to understand your business and guide you with clear and effective tax planning strategies. This gives clients a calculated expectation of their taxable profit for the year which allows us to tailor strategies and provide options on how we can achieve the best possible tax outcome for them on a regular and consistent basis.

We understand that the legislative environment and tax compliance responsibilities are complex and ever-changing. We make it our job to stay acquainted with the latest regulation changes, allowing you to focus solely on the growth of your business.

Tax Planning Benefits

Tax planning and forecasting is not just helpful for reducing your yearly tax bill, it also allows you to visualise a snapshot of your tax payments in the coming 12 months, which brings your business a raft of benefits:

Enabling future growth
Knowing how much tax you’ll pay in advance enables you to make informed financial decisions and strategic business investments, helping you build your business for the future.
Giving peace of mind
Having an effective tax strategy in place saves you time throughout the year, and even more so when tax season rolls around. Now you can stop worrying about your tax affairs and concentrate on growing your business.

How Eagle 1 Can Help

Tax planning and forecasting is not tax evasion. Instead, the aim is to legally reduce your tax obligation by applying the most appropriate tax strategies.

Each year prior to June 30, our reliable team of Gold Coast accountants will sit down with you and create a tax plan that is tailored to your specific needs and ensures your tax obligation is minimised.

We explain our ideas and the complexities of the tax landscape in straightforward language, removing the layers of uncertainty so you feel comfortable and confident in the plans we establish together.

Throughout your journey as a business owner we will work with you to better develop your understanding of all tax and accounting matters, removing the stress and fear of the unknown.


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